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One of the great re-discoveries of our time is that the Church is not just an institution (though important as this is) but is also a spirituality of communion. The fellowship of believers sharing their hearts with one another, growing in faith and encouraging one another to “work out our salvation” is one of the key aspects of parish life. The Trinity is a Persons of fellowship: sharing love and life. So too this should be reflected in the parish community amongst believers. The parish should be that place where Christians come to know each other and share faith and life. There are to be concrete ways for us to gather frequently to help each other work out our salvation. In these gatherings, we encourage one another to grow in the Lord. We support and help each other in life’s challenges. We affirm each other in our spiritual gifts and vocations. We hold each other accountable in love to walk the path of holiness. After all, we want to help each other go to heaven.